Monday, November 21, 2011

Through the Eyes of the Turkey

     Have you ever considered what a turkey may be thinking in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, especially if he or she happens still to be alive to gobble about it??  I mean hells bells, imagine the horror stories that circulate around the turkey pen about the holiday where most everyone else is counting their blessings.

      How do turkeys mentally prepare for the inevitable?  A person with any kind of religious belief at all has a much more pleasant idea of the here after than a turkey.  Wouldn’t it be a little disturbing to know that one day someone is going to chop your head off, stuff a concoction of bread crumbs up your a$$, roast you in an oven for several hours, and then take great pleasure in devouring your carcass??  Holy hell.   I think I would be scared $hitless of the inevitable.  I would be trying to hide out,  go on strike waving signs that say “Discover the Joys of Beef!” , “Eat Chicken”, or “Eat Pork”, or jumping the nearest flight to a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.  

       If nothing else, I can be thankful that I am not a turkey and I can look forward to a much better eternity than ending up being flushed down the toilet.  Just saying, even though I am looking forward to my Thanksgiving turkey as much as everyone else I am sure thankful I am not a turkey!! Until next time when I give you another glimpse into a trucker’s wife. 


  1. Susan, just a little silliness in time for Thanksgiving. So pleased you enjoyed it!! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!

  2. Lordy. Lordy GF...I believe you have taken leave of your senses! And it's a good thing. LOL I will NOT be thinking of this piece for the rest of the week, however!

  3. Jo, it was a moment. No worries!! I will be shoving down tons of turkey on Thanksgiving day with no guilt. LOL Thank you for stopping by to read and comment. I am so pleased you enjoyed my moment of madness and got a chuckle out of it!!

  4. oh lol - nicely written - enjoyed your post.

  5. Oh my goodness!!! Uncontrolled giggling going on here...

  6. Suzy, I am so pleased you enjoyed my moment of silliness! Thanks for stopping in to read and comment!!

  7. Darlene, I am so pleased I inspired a holiday chuckle!! Thanks for stopping by to read and comment!!!

  8. Oh, so very funny!!! You're such a great writer, Kathy.

  9. Betty, I simply could not resist and had a ball writing this. I am so pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments.
